Pepper Spray Blog


Zen and the Art of Changing a Windshield Wiper

They tell us to enjoy the journey, not to focus solely on the destination. For too many years of my life, despite having heard that advice and even believing it, I wasn’t able to...

Fixing the Restaurant RRF Grants 0

Fixing the Restaurant RRF Grants

Soon after the pandemic began, the federal government provided temporary relief to small businesses in the form of the Paycheck Protection Program loans – the so-called PPP money. The PPP dollars saved countless small...

The Risk of Going too Far 0

The Risk of Going too Far

Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.  – T.S. Eliot In the name of doing what’s right, how far do we go? How much...

Founder Led Startups 0

Founder Led Startups

Fred Wilson, who I’ve read every day for about 8 years, wrote a thoughtful post on the pros and cons of founder led startups. When to keep them, when to let them go, when...


8-Year Old Pricing Strategy

My favorite thing about Halloween this year was Bo’s strategy to not have me take his candy. Or, he figured, if I did take his candy to make sure I paid the price. He...

The Half Life of Frustration and Anger 1

The Half Life of Frustration and Anger

Day 653 since my last sip of alcohol. A noticeable change in these past nearly 22 months has been a gradual softening of the sharper edges of my personality. I didn’t always have a...