Pepper Spray Blog

My Week on Oxy 0

My Week on Oxy

DRAFT: I wrote this 10 years ago, a few days after my 3rd ACL Surgery at MGH. Last week I got a crash course on drug abuse. And it was all legal. And today,...


Receiving Inspiration

Most days we humans tend to look for inspiration from “above”… those individuals or companies or groups who are well-known, have large followings, have built a reputation such that almost anything they say is...

Que Cojones 0

Que Cojones

“Public speaking doesn’t usually scare me, but that day it did. I didn’t know what happens when you tell a group of people who consider themselves your friends that they are living a lie....


Letting Go of What Doesn’t Serve Us

A hallmark of wisdom is knowing when it’s time to abandon some of your most treasured tools—and some of the most cherished parts of your identity. Adam Grant (Think Again) A few weeks ago...


Customer Service in 2022

“This one thing – providing excellent customer service – is how The Wrap will differentiate itself over the years; it is our greatest opportunity!” – June 2000 * the wrap changed its name to...


Still Plugging Away

I use a pretty handy email software platform called Sanebox that helps me get through a couple of thousand emails each week without completely losing my squash. One feature that I especially love is...

Summer 2021 – Squam Lake 0

Summer 2021 – Squam Lake

It’s heading to -1 Fahrenheit tonight… a stark contrast to the weather you’ll see in this video I had started to make in September of Squam Lake in NH this summer. Using footage from...

About Restaurants being Saved by Tax-Payer Money 0

About Restaurants being Saved by Tax-Payer Money

Last week I wrote about the “haves and the have nots” of the restaurant industry created by the ineffective (and often litigious and controversial) distribution method of the 2021 Restaurant Revitalization Fund, a $29B...